Geology and Occurrences of Limestone and Marble in …

Other marble deposits are Igbetti and Alaguntan, Oyo State; Ekinrin – Adde, Itobe, Ubo River and Okoloke in Kogi State, etc. Five major marble deposits are currently being exploited in the schist belt area have an estimated reserve of about 150 million tonnes. The lensoidal shape of these deposits suggests that

(PDF) Maximize mining exploitation efficiency of the quarry: …

The coefficient of utilization of rock directly affects the profitability of the dimension stone deposit exploitation. Dimension stone is a highly valuable raw mineral material per unit of product. Past experience and literature show that for a certain amount of commercial dimension stone blocks, a significantly larger volume of raw rock mass ...

14C-dating from an old quarry waste dump of Carrara …

The features of ravaneto are present in the oldest deposit, so we are confident that this deposit was an old quarry waste dump produced by marble …

Building stone of central and southern Ethiopia: …

blocks. Generally, deposits suitable for exploitation of mas-sive stone should be very homogeneous, both in colour and in structure. Furthermore, the occurrence of joints, veins and ... Most of the marble deposits found in these areas form an elevated morphology, others have a flat, though well exposed, morphology. Predominantly, the marbles ...

Exploring Natural Stone and Building a National Identity. The

In the Nordic countries Sweden, Norway, and Finland, this technological progress went hand in hand with a systematic geological mapping and large-scale exploitation of natural stone deposits.

Utilization of Integrated Geophysical Techniques …

An optimised planning of the exploitation, together with an improved geological understanding of the deposit, could increase these yields. In this work, marble mining in Macael (Spain) was studied to test the capacity …

Geology and mineral potential of Ethiopia: a note on …

Characteristics of main ore deposits (Class A: very large deposit; Class B: large deposit; Class C: medium deposit) are summarized Table 3. Small deposits (Class D), occurrences (Class E) and deposits without available economic data (Class N/A) are presented Table 4 .

The Carrara Marble: geology, geomechanics and quarrying

The industrial exploitation of the Carrara Marble dates back to I century B.C. with the Romans. After a black out in the Early Mediaeval age due to barbarian invasions, since XIII century the ...

14C-dating from an old quarry waste dump of Carrara marble …

Since the first exploitation in the Roman period, marble quarrying in the Carrara marble basins (Northern Italy) has produced a large amount of debris which remains on the slopes as dump deposits ...

Potential of Medium to More Fractured Natural …

Exploitation and processing of small stone blocks and tombolons has a major impact on profitability. It is pointed out that the natural stone needs to be rationally used in deposits. Resources of rock mass tend to be …

Decision criteria for the exploration of ornamental-stone …

Ornamental stones are almost ready-made raw materials with a high economic value for the building-construction industry. The discovery of new near-surface …

Marble from the Isle of Paros in Ancient Greece: A tour of

An important centre of marble exploitation was the northern flank of Mount Marpesso, a massif in the middle of Paros, not far from the village of Marathi. While in the Classical era and most parts of the Hellenistic era, marble production was under the control of the Greeks, in the first century BC, it came under Roman influence.

Influence of fractures in exploitation of ornamental stone deposits

Tsukawaki Yuji 1953: On the pottery stone deposits in Kinki region (part 3); survey of pottery stone deposits in Kumano-gun, Kyoto prefecture; on Koyama and Yuike deposits Chishitsu Chosajo Geppo = Bulletin - Japan, Geological Survey 4(9): 43-48

Marble: the quarrying techniques – Carrara Marble Tour

The "cutting" phase is the one in which the marble "bench wall" (the part from which the blocks will be obtained) is physically separated from the mountain wall. ... In ancient times, during the Roman age, when the exploitation of Carrara quarries began, the cutting was done with manual methods which implied the separation of the marble ...


The development of dimension stone industry is most evident in growth of stone blocks exploitation: Of the greatest importance in the forementioned industry are the following companies: - "KAMEN" in Pazin (21,510 m^sup 3^ of the exploited blocks in 1985, and 21,825 m^sup 3^ in 1990), and

Geo-mechanical Properties of Marble Deposits from the …

Calcite and dolomite marble deposits from the Lesser Himalaya (northern Pakistan) have been investigated in the past; however, those studies were limbed mostly to general geology. ... exploitation ...

Dionyssomarble Company SA

The Dionyssomarble Co. S.A. company was founded by the brothers Leontios and Ioannis Argiroudis in 1949 for the commercial exploitation of the white marble deposits in Dionyssos, Attica. Since then, in addition to marble block quarrying and trading, the company has developed numerous other activities through the vertical expansion of …

14C-dating from an old quarry waste dump of Carrara marble …

In the Carrara Marble Basins (Northern Tuscany, Italy), long and intense quarrying activities since the Roman times have produced extensive deposits of waste materials, known locally as ravaneti. Controversy still exists about the beginning of marble exploitation in the area.

Is anyone working on optimization of mining techniques for marble deposits?

I am researching on optimization of mining techniques for the exploitation of selected marble deposits in Nigeria. For my research I need borehole data and other engineering characteristics of ...

Evolution of a marble quarry: from open cast to …

For this reason it was necessary to consider the hypothesis of an underground exploitation. 2. Marble deposit geology As mentioned, Orosei Marble is the ornamental stone extracted from Monte Tuttavista …

(PDF) New open pit for exploitation of mineral raw material

The deposit "Samarnica 2" is composed of calcite grey - white marbles. The marble from this locality, according the conducted examinations, has great physical - mechanical, chemical and mineralogical - petrographic properties. According to

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Managing Marble Quarry …

Marble has been a prominent natural stone exploited since ancient times, commonly employed as a building material and ornamental stone. However, the …

Evolution of a marble quarry: from open cast to underground exploitation

For this reason it was necessary to consider the hypothesis of an underground exploitation. 2. Marble deposit geology As mentioned, Orosei Marble is the ornamental stone extracted from Monte Tuttavista (806 m a.s.l.) and covers a piedmont area of around 300 hectares with a depth of around 560 m. Figure 1 shows an aerial view of the …

Mahmood, Z. and Malkani, M.S. (2017) Good Quality Marble Deposits …

The Koh Sulaiman regions of South Punjab (Saraikistan) have huge gypsum deposits which deserve for further exploitation. Pakistan is agricultural country and fertility of cultivated lands is vital. ... Pakistan has very large construction, dimension and decor stone deposits like limestone, marble, dolomite and igneous rocks like granite ...

[PDF] Technical issues of exploitation of marble used in the …

The purpose of this paper is to present the technical issues related to mining and quarrying of marble in Iscehisar quarris in Asia Minor. Skip to search form Skip to main ... Search. Sign In Create Free Account. Corpus ID: 55883918; Technical issues of exploitation of marble used in the ancient times and nowadays in quarries of iscehisar in ...

New Developments for the Sustainable Exploitation of …

The use of natural stone has historical and environmental value that makes it strategically valuable for landscape conservation in Europe. Marble, among others, is widely spread on Earth, and it offers high-performance features in architectural …

Decision criteria for the exploration of ornamental-stone …

The discovery of new near-surface deposits, the very low exploitation efficiency, the huge amounts of wastes produced, and the land-use accessibility …

Marble Quarries And Mining Methods | Stone Group …

The first organized exploitation of its deposits appears to begin during the "Golden Century" of Pericles (5th century BC) with the famous Pentelic marble having been used …

Decision criteria for the exploration of ornamental-stone deposits

Ornamental stones are almost ready-made raw materials with a high economic value for the building-construction industry. The discovery of new near-surface deposits, the very low exploitation efficiency, the huge amounts of wastes produced, and the land-use accessibility conditions are the main challenges that the extractive industry …

Marble Quarries And Mining Methods | Stone Group …

The first organized exploitation of its deposits appears to begin during the "Golden Century" of Pericles (5th century BC) with the famous Pentelic marble having been used in many well-known ancient monuments of Greece, from the Acropolis of Athens, to the statues and monuments of the classical Hellenistic and Roman times.